Discovering the Self through Drama & Movement - The Sesame Approach

Edited by Jenny Pearson

July 1996: 350 pages, illustrated
ISBN 1 85302 384 1

This is the first detailed account of the theory and practice of the Sesame Approach, which was created by Marian Lindkvist over 40 years ago, as it has evolved and been handed down experientially. It is now taught at the Central School of Speech and Drama; many of the contributors are current or former teachers at the school, or are Sesame trained therapists working in the field.

The book aims to define the work of Sesame in terms of the theories upon which it is based and the method, which puts these theories to use in practice in a variety of client groups. The reader is invited to enter imaginatively into the experiences of body, movement, voice, myth and ritual, and to be a witness as others explore this medium. Experts in the field spell out the theoretical base of Sesame work in its different aspects: in movement, drama, voice, myth ritual and Jungian psychological theory.

Finally the contributors describe how they use the method through therapy sessions and workshops in the community with various clients, from people with physical and learning disabilities to children who have been abused and people in prisons.

As well as presenting an overview of Sesame, this book will inspire readers to a rediscovery of the joys of self-expression through dance, movement and drama, through the transformative nature of the Sesame experience.

Jenny Pearson trained as a drama and movement therapist on the Sesame Course at the Central School of Speech and Drama and is now a tutor there. She also trained in psychodynamic counselling at Westminster Pastoral Foundation, and is now in private practice.


Foreword Anthony Stevens.
Introducing Sesame Jenny Pearson, Central School of Speech and Drama

Part 1: Mainly theory

1. Discovering the Self Jenny Pearson
2. Beginning with the Body Di Cooper, Sesame Institute
3. Working with Myth and Story Pat Watts, counsellor and dramatherapist
4. Jung and the Symbol: Resolution of Conflicting Opposites Molly Tuby, Jungian analyst
5. Why Oblique and Why Jung? Kharis Dekker, Sesame drama and movement therapist
6. Drama as Therapy: Some Basic Principles Graham Suter, actor
7. Marian Lindkvist and Movement with Touch Marian Lindkvist
8.The Unique Voice That Lives Inside us All Frankie Armstrong, singer and voice teacher
9. Laban and the Language of Movement Sam Thorton, Laban International Summer School
10.Dance As You've Never Danced Before Susi Thorton, Laban International Summer School
11. Child Drama: The Peter Slade Connection Jenny Pearson
12. Ritual: Journeys of the Heart James Roose-Evans, Bleddfa Trust
13. Ritual in Sesame Morag Deane, violinist
14. Circus Skills and Commedia Mitch Mitchelson, Rose Bruford Drama College

Part 2: Mainly practice

15. The Drama Gave Me Inner Freedom (in Wormwood Scrubs) Colin, Wormwood Scrubs
16. The Minotaur in Three Settings: The Elderly, Acute Psychiatry and Wormwood Scrubs Bernie Spivack, Sesame drama and movement therapist
17. Working with Symbol in the Mental Health Centre Jo Syz, Central School of Speech and Drama
18. The Shared Feeling: Sesame in Acute Psychiatry Bernie Spivack, Sesame drama and movement therapist
19. Dramatherapy in Forensic Psychiatry Roger Winn, Central School of Speech and Drama
20. To Act or Not To Act? (in a Secure Unit) Alan
21. Working Through a Block in Psychotherapy Mary Smail, Sesame Institute
22. A Place Called Sesame: Dramatherapy with Disturbed Children Jenny Pearson
23. Children Without Words: Sesame in Romania Barbara Goosens, Sesame drama and movement therapist
24. Poetry in Motion: Drama and Movement Therapy with People with Learning Disabilities Jocelyne James, Central School of Speech and Drama
25. Sharing the Space Inside: One-to-one Work with People who Are Seriously Disabled Mary Smail
26. Baba Yaga and Vasa Lisa: Myth Work With Challenging Behaviour Elisabeth Gall, Gwynedd Social Services Roehampton Play Therapy Course, London
27. Beginning to Work With the Elderly Allison Kelly, Central School of Speech and Drama and Chris Daniel, Roehampton Play Therapy Course, London
28. Making the Present Come Alive for the Elderly Merle Baars, Central School of Speech and Drama
29. The Story of Roundabout: Creation of a Group Practice Deborah Haythorne, Roundabout and Lynn Cedar, Roundabout
30. Smoke and Mirrors Priscilla Newman, Central School of Speech and Drama
The Contributors. Subject Index. Author Index.

Book Price £20, Postage & Packing £3.50 (UK Second Class) TOTAL PRICE £23.50.

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